VVS-Tip – Automating PowerValidatedSolutions Procedures that Prompt

When using the PowerShell module PowerValidatedSolutions to implement procedures within a VMware Validated Solution there are a number of cmdlets that if following the procedure in the documentation open a prompt window allowing you to browse and select the required file such as certificate files (.cer / .pem / .key), OVAs and even the Planning and Preparation workbook.

Each of these cmdlets also support passing the input as a variable, allowing you to develop your own end-to-end automation scripts.

You can obtain the details about a specific cmdlet using the Get-Help PowerShell cmdlet using the following command:

Get-Help Add-IdentitySource 
General information for the cmdlet

To see the examples use the following command:

Get-Help Add-IdentitySource -Examples
Example syntax for the cmdlet

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